Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Adios 2013.

2013 started out looking to be a promising year. 
We were expecting our 3rd baby, celebrating our 5th Wedding Anniversary, Matt was going to be done class in the Summer ( more money, more vacation time), and we had many grand plans. 

2013 turned out to be anything but. 
To say it was the hardest year of my life would be an understatement. 
My patience was tested with the addition of one more baby. 
 Matt finished class and we did not bounce back as soon or as well as we hoped. 
We had the sudden and heartbreaking loss of my youngest brother. 
We had a period of time where we didn't know Matt would be working. 
I have had on going health problems throughout the year with still no clear answers. 
These are the highlights on top of the constant ups and downs that come with life in general.

So goodbye 2013.
You made us stronger but we are ready for some peace.
2014, I have high hopes for you.
 Happy New Year with a new start everyone!  

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

This Christmas their are a few things I want to remember. 
When my kids have lost some of that childhood Christmas innocence and want things like ipads and new clothes I want to remember a few things from Christmas 2013 when Bristol was 4, Boden was 20 months, and Brooklyn was 8 months.

Besides how insane it can be having 3 children this little...

I want to remember Bristol painting her face with my good make up 5 minutes before we had to leave for Church. 

Boden seeing the screens in Christmas Eve service and yelling "George!" Thinking its movie time. 

How well behaved they were sitting in "big church."

Brooklyn yelling with excitement all through church. 

Boden dino-stomping during pictures. 

How we made it 52 minutes in service! 

Bristol came in and sat in bed with us for a good 15 minutes before realizing it was Christmas. 

Boden's face seeing his friend Billy. 

Bristol's face when opening a gift she had been talking and dreaming about since October! 

Un-prompted coming and telling Matt and I thank you for the best Barbie house ever. 

How Matt and I stayed up till 1 am putting together a pirate ship and finishing the Barbie house. 

Whenever B sees a house all lit up " Wow they have the Christmas spirit!" 

Now the next landslide of pictures are for the Grandparents. :) 

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!


Bristol was not picking up on my creative idea...


Night Before Christmas...

Toothbrush from Santa... big hit!?

My favorite picture. :) 
THE dog set!

 Mid Christmas diaper change.

His favorite gift... the cars. 

" to A Mom. 


Educating Barbie on Trunks

Safe place to play cars away from Brooklyn's reach


Monday, December 23, 2013

Holly Jolly Meltdown?

This month has been crazy. 
Between trying to do holiday things, starting a new job, fitting in seeing family members/ traveling, and doing the normal everyday stuff ... I have been a going nuts. 
Poor Matt ha. 
This year things just seem so out of hand. 
Too much. 
Too many commitments. Too much stuff. Too many expectations. 
Just excess. 

My goal for January and into 2014 is to simplify. Focus our family on what really matters. 

Their are certain things that Matt and I feel are important that have been slipping and I want to get back on track. 
For the next few days I am going to try and take deep breaths and enjoy this time and the magic the kids can bring to Christmas.
Also remind myself January is coming. :)

So Merry Christmas and Here is to a peaceful New Year! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Current Favorites.

When Boden calls for anything he totally covers his mouth and tries to whistle by screeching. 
When he finds whatever he is looking for he announces it by saying: 

" Oh! Theres the Mama." 
" Oh! Theres the cup."
Its adorable. 

Building a snow fort / house with Bristol. We currently have a living room ( with a fire place), a bedroom, and a yard for Gage to poo. 
We are in negotiations about expansion. 
Also how much she loves sledding this year. Mainly cause I love sledding. 
Matt had to call us both in because it was dark - and 9 degrees out- last night. 

How Matt is Brooklyn's favorite.
 She loves everyone but comes alive when she sees Matt. 
I have a feeling those two are going to be life long buddies. 
Also how she gets all the way across the living room but no one knows how!? 
Kinda happy she isn't crawling this holiday season. 
It has made my life a tat easier. 

Only 9 more days - aka 9 more places- to hide Buddy the Elf. 

How our neighbors across the street put up cute lights and leave them up till Valentines Day cause they know the kids like them. 

How when I called Matt from work to complain about the terrible parking situation downtown he listened then called me back 45 minutes later with any and all parking info anyone living on the Seacoast in NH would need. 
Love him. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Our First Vacation As A Family Of 5

This week we took our first mini vacation as a family of 5.
First off, I have to say kudos to the parents who travel all over with kiddos in tow.
Not that it shouldnt be done but wow the planning and packing required just for ONE night.
I cannot imagine the planning involved for say a week! Ha.

We took the kids up to North Conway in the White Mountains.
We did somewhere somewhat close in case we had to make an emergency drive home at 2 am.

We went on a sleigh ride which for the first 10 minutes Boden cried non-stop. Then he proceeded to cuddle up and fall asleep. Both him and Brooklyn slept then entire time. Bristol liked it but it was FREEZING and most of the ride was through open fields.
I think her favorite part was the hot cocoa at the end.

Our hotel had an awesome indoor water park that was perfect for our kids ages and swimming ability.
( By " ability" I mean they dont swim.)
AND we had it mostly to ourselves as it was the middle of the week.
So we ate out, swam, and just had fun together.

Bristol was on her best behavior and Brooklyn was the sweet girl she always is. She got to try her first french fry! :)

I think my favorite memory from this trip though was having Boden fall asleep and cuddle with me TWICE. Thursday morning I put Brooklyn down for a nap, Matt took B swimming, and Bo and I just cuddled up. After about 15 minutes ( or 1 Thomas episode)  my sticky, squishy, curly haired boy fell asleep on me. We both proceeded to snooze for another 45 minutes. It was perfect. He is such a lover and since having a baby sis so close to his age I feel sometimes he has missed this.
I so love having a little boy.

So we are back home now and trying to relax and enjoy the season that is crazy busy! :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gifts According to a 4 Year Old

Throughout the holiday season we are trying to teach B about "giving." 
This year both Matt and I asked for her input in our gifts for each other. 

Matts Gift to Me: 

( Last week while watching TV- a Target commercial came on featuring KitchenAid Mixers- the big one.) 

Bristol: "Dad we should get the mixer for Mom. Then we could make so many more cookies!" 

Nice B, already practicing giving gifts that YOU benefit from. 

My Gift to Matt: 

Me: " So B what do you think we should get Daddy?" 
B: " MOM- I already told you what I think." ( Complete with eye roll ) 
Me: " Uh Ok... how about you tell me again NICELY." 
B: " Black socks. Remember when we were folding clothes and Daddys had holes. He needs black socks." 

Nothing spreads Holiday cheer like new black socks. 

Thank Goodness she is only 4 and we have lots of time to work on the whole " giving" thing. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

An Acorn Hunt

 A new tradition we started at my parents house was an Acorn Hunt for the kids. My Mom and Dad came up with this idea and I love it. Thanksgiving is a fun family day but really if you are 4 its not all that exciting. For the Acorn Hunt its basically like an Easter Egg hunt except they get one "surprise" at the end. My Mom found these giant acorns and hid them around the house. We must have re-inacted the hunt 10 times with B- I think it was a hit. :) 

This is B counting to make sure she got all the acorns.

 Yup, got them all! 

As usual Bo was too busy eating to get involved in the real searching for Acorns...

Reading the final clue on where the surprise was hidden

Duplos! A great joint gift!

Brooklyn Mayes first Thanksgiving! 

Again as usual Bo was not into pictures and B is having an opinion about something not wanting to sit for a picture...

Cant wait for next years Acorn Hunt!

Monday, December 2, 2013

December First.

Well its the first week of December.
We marked December 1st by cutting down our Christmas tree- from our front yard. 
Ok before you start calling us the Griswolds two things. 

1. The tree was dying and going to come down anyway. 
2. We had no way to get a tree home from the tree farm.

(Dont mind the giant gap on the side ha.) 

So Sunday Morning Matt went out with a chain saw and cut down our tree. 
It was awesome. 
Its a little sparse but B loves it and got right into decorating and ordering Bo around. 
We have it all decorated and the house mostly done. 
The babies for the most part are leaving the tree alone- its just B we have to keep on eye on who keeps wanting to " re- decorate" which usually leads to " Im sorry - it broke."
 My " to glue" pile has gotten quite large.

At least once a day I hear " Come on Bo lets go play with the Lord Jesus." 

Buddy our elf showed up and is keeping on eye on things. Bristol asked him yesterday why he was creeping on her.
Good times.

Also I made a "Kindness" Advent calendar - so far B is doing great following her simple kind tasks for the day.

 Today: do something kind for your brother or sister. B shared her bacon.
In our house THAT is kind.
I love having a 4 year old at Christmas!
( I love having a 20 month and 7 month old too but at 4 they get it and LOVE it!) :)