This Winter we have experienced our fair share of freezing temps and snow days making school or outside play a no -go.
Sometimes this is cozy and nice. Movie and Pjs right?
Sometimes when I read Bristol's school is closed at 6 am ( as Matt is walking out the door ) I cry a little.
I have found my "stash" of rainy ( or snowy) day ideas have saved my patience and sanity more than once.
So here are a few of my kids favorites.
( My oldest are ages 4 and almost 2.)
These are great for bad weather days, play date activities if a play date is needing some structure, quiet time while a baby or babies sleep, and just maybe some quality time together turning off the TV.
The key is to head to the Dollar Store and buy these few supplies NOW before you are stranded at your house for 12 hours. Seriously, go to the Dollar Store.
This stuff is crazy fun to play with. I did 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil and it was a pretty good consistency. I found this little metal kitchen set of tin childs dishes at a thrift store for $2. The kids love using it in cloud dough or the sand and water table.
Cheap Flour
Baby Oil
Foil baking dish
COST: $3.00
2. Mud Pie Set.
Similar to Cloud Dough but great for early spring when kids ( and Moms!) are ready to get outside but everything is a mud pit. Make up a mud pie making kit and keep clean clothes by the door for when they come in.
Anything kitchen tool related. I got a mixing bowl, shifter, large spoon, tongs, rolling pin, etc. I think I spent about $6.00 on whole thing and the kids played with it all Spring into Summer.
3. Play Car Wash.
Again, great in spring or Summer if you are needing to do some yard work and want the minions contained. I filled two large buckets with soapy water and gave the kids sponges, brushes, and rags.
I set out all their Little Tykes, bikes, wagons etc and let them "wash" everything till their hearts content.
3 hours my oldest was out there. 3 HOURS.
This can also be done inside with a baking dish filled with soapy water and cleaning Matchbox cars.
Things to wash, sponges etc, water, soap.
4. Snow Play in the tub.
With it being -12 some days here going outside isnt fun for anyone.
I started doing this when Bristol ( my oldest) was 2 and I was pregnant, not wanting to go outside.
Bring in buckets of snow into the tub and let them play with any tub toys etc. Again, great for smaller kids who might have trouble moving around outside or dont like cold.
5. Melissa and Doug Sticker Books.
These are about $5 and totally worth it. They are huge and can help quietly entertain for hours. Great for sibling gift when a new baby joins the family.
6. "Play Cook"
My kids always want to help me cook and sometimes thats fine but I will admit I hate cooking with the kids. It stresses me out. So I found if I lay out a table cloth, fill a muffin tin ( 6 slotted one) with different items from my pantry, give them dishes etc they "cook" and everyone is happy.
Muffin tin
Kitchen Utensils
Table cloth
Food items ( i.e.: chocolate chips, sun flower seeds, sprinkles, oats, etc)
7. Boxes.
Really. Get a box ( preferably one big enough for them to sit in ) and give them markers. Show them how to pretend its a space ship, car, fort etc then let them decorate it. My 4 year old really liked this ... my 2 year old mostly liked sitting in it ha.
And if all else fails they will find your make up and " paint" their faces...
So here are my go-to items that I have in stock in our house.
Good Luck and Stay sane! :)