Friday, January 31, 2014


Taking a break from KCW for a second. 

So this week I turned 30. 
That came up faster than I was expecting. However when the actual day came I was fine. 
Im exactly where I hoped to be at 30. 
Thats pretty lucky. 

I have learned good lessons, hard lessons, and have some wonderful people in my life. 
Im thankful for all of it and looking forward to many more birthdays. 

" Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many." 

Woke up to this girl singing a Disney style monolog about my birthday. 
And eating my bacon. 

A popover ( my favorite) and paper flower. 

After the morning at the spa Bristol greeting me with her and Daddy's decorations. She was a tad excited. 

"29" roses... much better than candles! :)

Dinner date in Boston with Matt. 
My favorite shoes...

The 30s are going to be good. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

KCW Day 2 - For The Boy!

For Day 2 I made a few pairs of pants and long shorts for Boden. I used MADE's basic pant pattern which was super easy and quick. Im usually not a fan of elastic boys pants but with potty training in our future I thought it might be a good idea. 

This vintage ( you know its vintage because HELLO look at those short shorts!) flannel is SO soft. Perfect comfy pant. 

I made the mistake of letting him play with the cloud dough unsupervised. 

Off to start Day 3 sewing... I think Brooklyn is in order for something new! :) 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Queen Elsa.

Bristol has been playing "Frozen" non-stop for weeks. 
She was using an old dress pretending it was her Elsa dress. I decided for my first project for Kids Clothes Week I would make her an Elsa Dress. 

After making up my own pattern and a few creative differences with my 4 year old. 
We present ...

Queen Elsa. 

I made the dress with short sleeves for dress up purposes and a little more age appropriate. :)
It was all of 6 degrees outside so Bristol wasn't too impressed with my idea of an outside photo shoot. 
( Not that I blame her.) 

So far she has now requested an Ana dress and a Kristoff outfit for Boden. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Im bored.

This Winter we have experienced our fair share of freezing temps and snow days making school or outside play a no -go. 

Sometimes this is cozy and nice. Movie and Pjs right? 
Sometimes when I read Bristol's school is closed at 6 am ( as Matt is walking out the door ) I cry a little. 

I have found my "stash" of rainy ( or snowy) day ideas have saved my patience and sanity more than once. 

So here are a few of my kids favorites.
 ( My oldest are ages 4 and almost 2.) 

These are great for bad weather days, play date activities if a play date is needing some structure, quiet time while a baby or babies sleep, and just maybe some quality time together turning off the TV. 

The key is to head to the Dollar Store and buy these few supplies NOW before you are stranded at your house for 12 hours. Seriously, go to the Dollar Store. 

1. Cloud Dough.

This stuff is crazy fun to play with. I did 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil and it was a pretty good consistency. I found this little metal kitchen set of tin childs dishes at a thrift store for $2. The kids love using it in cloud dough or the sand and water table. 


Cheap Flour 
Baby Oil 
Foil baking dish 

COST: $3.00

2. Mud Pie Set. 
Similar to Cloud Dough but great for early spring when kids ( and Moms!) are ready to get outside but everything is a mud pit. Make up a mud pie making kit and keep clean clothes by the door for when they come in.


Anything kitchen tool related. I got a mixing bowl, shifter, large spoon, tongs, rolling pin, etc. I think I spent about $6.00 on whole thing and the kids played with it all Spring into Summer. 

3. Play Car Wash.

Again, great in spring or Summer if you are needing to do some yard work and want the minions contained. I filled two large buckets with soapy water and gave the kids sponges, brushes, and rags. 

I set out all their Little Tykes, bikes, wagons etc and let them "wash" everything till their hearts content. 
3 hours my oldest was out there. 3 HOURS.
This can also be done inside with a baking dish filled with soapy water and cleaning Matchbox cars. 


Things to wash, sponges etc, water, soap. 

4. Snow Play in the tub. 

With it being -12 some days here going outside isnt fun for anyone. 
I started doing this when Bristol ( my oldest) was 2 and I was pregnant, not wanting to go outside. 
Bring in buckets of snow into the tub and let them play with any tub toys etc. Again, great for smaller kids who might have trouble moving around outside or dont like cold. 

5. Melissa and Doug Sticker Books. 

These are about $5 and totally worth it. They are huge and can help quietly entertain for hours. Great for sibling gift when a new baby joins the family.

6. "Play Cook"

My kids always want to help me cook and sometimes thats fine but I will admit I hate cooking with the kids. It stresses me out. So I found if I lay out a table cloth, fill a muffin tin ( 6 slotted one) with different items from my pantry, give them dishes etc they "cook" and everyone is happy. 


Muffin tin
Kitchen Utensils
Table cloth
Food items ( i.e.: chocolate chips, sun flower seeds, sprinkles, oats, etc)

7. Boxes.
Really. Get a box ( preferably one big enough for them to sit in ) and give them markers. Show them how to pretend its a space ship, car, fort etc then let them decorate it. My 4 year old really liked this ... my 2 year old mostly liked sitting in it ha.

And if all else fails they will find your make up and " paint" their faces...

So here are my go-to items that I have in stock in our house.
Good Luck and Stay sane! :) 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Today I am thankful for this guy. 
He never complains when he comes home and the sugar is moved to a new spot. 
Or the diapers. Or his clothes. Or kitchen utensils.

He supports my creativeness and never yells when he sees "Joann Fabric" purchases on our checking account. 

He changes diapers, takes the kids to appointments, and understands when he walks in the door from work and I pass him running out yelling " See you in a while I need a break!" 

He cooks ( and is good at it!)  He cleans. He folds laundry better than me. 

He watches Downton Abbey with me. 

He learned how to use my Silhouette so he could teach me. 
( Im a hands on learner.) 

He takes me to Target on date nights. <3

Hes a gem. And I love him. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Boston Expo.

Every Spring we try to go to the New England Boat Show. 
We have been doing this since Matt and I were dating. 
Matt can look and check out all the latest stuff - while I stay warm. 
The last few years we have also started going to the Car and RV show ( held on the same day.) Its fun and usually we take the kids. 
( One year we made the mistake on dates and showed up during a Trade Show. 
We were the only family with kids there. Ops.) 

This time though we left the big kids at home so we could really look at the RVs and see what we like and would work for our family. 

My parents and brother came along to check things out. 

I think Brooklyn enjoyed being an " only child" for a few hours. 

So we have narrowed down the size and basic floor plan. :) 


We also did a little birthday celebrating and cozy fire time...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Little Big Boden.

Hes such a little big man. 

He can now tell his sisters " Enough -----" 

Its hilarious. 

I caught him trying to sing in the car on the way home from Target tonight. 

He still needs his " Piwwo ( pillow), bankie ( blankie), and Buzz/ Woody to sleep. 

He likes his routine. 

He loves pizza. And Bananas. 

He doesnt give kisses or hugs really but loves to be cuddled. 

He thinks B is pretty cool and I think realized this week that Brooklyn is a person too. 

He is obsessed with Cars/ Planes. 

He holds his own and is also laid back enough to be a good ( mostly) playmate for B. 

We love this - as B calls him- squeeze-y guy! 

Monday, January 13, 2014


Sometimes no matter how much housework you have or meals to be cooked you have to stop and make "Daisy" a sleeping bag. I mean it has been in the single digits around here. 

B was happy and requested one for all her dolls and pets.

A day in the life of Bristol... oh Barbie land. 

Ha- to be Barbie...

I noticed I was seriously slacking on taking pictures lately so I grabbed my camera and snapped a few- focusing on Brooklyn so I will have some to put in her album.
 Plus she's adorable. :) 

Cars Cars Cars...

The many faces of Maye

She seriously makes the funniest faces!

After a long day of playing - falling asleep by the fire...

Playing animals..

These two are best buddies. Its so fun to watch them play and use their imagination together. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Impromptu Milestones.

Milestones are sneaky. 
Some are clearly labeled... your child's first birthday, first day of school, walking, solid food, sleeping through the night. 
Others are sneak up on you and smack you in the face with how fast time really does go. 

Tuesday I was talking with Bristol's Ballet instructor about where we should place B for next year. She recommended the Foundations Class ( yay Bristol) I said " Ok great, what mornings are those offered?" 
I think she knew she was about to smack me in the face with reality. She gently said 
" Well since it is designed for school aged children it is only offered in the afternoons and on Saturday." 
Woah. My baby is moving to afternoon activities? School aged children?" 
Today at the Dentist when she started to get upset she softly calmed herself down by counting to 5. 
Huge for B.

This growing up this is hard on my heart.
As hard as it is its also exciting - we have actual conversations about real things. 
She is fun to go places with and great company. 

In other news Boden can clearly say " I am not happy." When he doesnt get his way and Brooklyn is the fasted non-crawler I know. :) 

Friday, January 3, 2014


After the roller coaster year 2013 was I have thought about what I want to change and continue to improve in 2014. 
Last night watching " Benjamin Button" ( stay with me) I realized in 2014 I want to be present.

 Im such a Type A planner I tend to not enjoy the moment, be too focused on getting things done, or worried what is coming next. 

In a few short years B will not follow me around all day long throwing her arms over me telling me her latest story. 

Boden will not let me run my fingers through his curls and God forbid may want to cut them. 

Brooklyn's baby smiles and babbles will turn to actual words. 

The days truly are long and the years short. 
I dont want to miss them. 

My word for 2014 is relax. 
Relax my expectations on myself and let myself "just be."