By my lack of postings you can tell the new Kindergarden schedule has thrown me for a loop.
Not bad - just different and much busier!
B had a great first day of school and so far has had thumbs up days since.
To say she LOVES school would be an understatement.
She has the kind of teacher you hope your Kindergardener gets and all her classmates seem like great kids- her teacher confirmed this ha.
( This is great because she is going to a Charter School with only one class per grade so these kids will be her core group of friends from now till 8th grade!)
So all in all (with a few minor bumps- I miss morning dance classes!!) we are transitioning well into this school year.
Boden continues to love school and do well.
His teachers always comment on how well behaved he is.
He is talking in sentences more and counting correctly to 10 haha.
Brooklyn loves the extra one on one time she gets Tuesday and Thursday mornings while the other kids are at school and is quite the ham. She is stubborn, hilarious, and smart!
Ill try to post more regularly now that I think we have our bearings ha.
My girl.
Totally struck this pose on her own.
Walking in...
Daddy took us to the beach ... the same beach we walked B at a week old.