Their are great days.
Their are ok days.
Their are boring days.
Their are yucky days.
Today ( and yesterday) were yucky days.
Nothing too Earth Shattering in the grand scheme of things but enough small things to make you want to throw an adult sized temper tantrum.
Im sick. Like super sick.
The weather has been SO cold and rainy.
Potty training Bo is going well but so much attention and work with 2 other ones running around.
A project I spent weeks on at work - I found out will be taken down in one week and was asked to do something else time intensive to match a nation wide promo.
2 house projects we have been planning on/ working toward are falling apart.
The kids have been extra hyper/ whiney.
Matt has to work extra this week - on top of just finishing the outage where he worked 6 days a week, 12 hours a day.
Both our cars are acting up.
Add in personal frustrations and its a big hot mess.
I guess the reason I am writing this is to
A. Vent and B. With the internet, Facebook, blogs etc I feel life can be so edited and unrealistic.
So thats some of the ugliness of the past 2 days.
Hopefully our streak ends soon.
On a positive note Brooklyn is now walking!! Ill post a video soon.