Saturday, September 28, 2013

When Matt works 12 Hour Weekends...

I cry. 
Haha not really ( ok maybe sometimes) but the key Im finding is to HAVE PLANS. 
Even plans consist of things to do while staying home ( cause dragging 3 minions out and about is no easy task alone.) 
Being able to entertain, play, and get projects done is the name of the game. 
Today we played outside, did craft projects, I started a few home projects, did a few chores, and watched cartoons. 
Tomorrow we have a brunch play date and maybe Ill be brave enough to take them in public somewhere... who knows. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Years Young

 I once read that the key to having a good marriage is thinking you got the better end of the deal. 

5 years later, one house, one dog, a fish, 3 kids, a career change-
 I think we are both happy with our end of the deal. :) 
Its not always pretty but its real and we wouldnt have it any other way. 
Happy 5 years Matt! Xo

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Walk In The Woods

We love to take the kids hiking. I think its good for all of us. 
This weekend was tough mentally and I just needed *out* for a bit. 
So we packed up the minions and set out on the trails behind our house. 

Telling me a story about something I cant remember at the moment. She loves hikes. 

I love anything old. It amazes me how each one of the rings is a year - think about everything this tree has " seen" 

We always try to get her picture with this post marker. Its fitting. Each year she gets sassier :) 

Love little Bo Man creeping over watching. He is such a copy cat - especially Matt. 

My girls. Not sure why B looks so mad cause she totally wasn't? Who knows. To be 3 almost 4 is tough I guess. 

 Forest Floor. 

Daddy drawing a map on how we were going to get home etc. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Boden 18 month pictures

Him and his best bud Billy 

Pure terror. 

Love this little man. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Right Now

Right now I am...

Making: plans for Fall. 
Cooking: Nothing. Cereal for dinner tonight. 
Drinking: Ice water. I crave it since having Boden. 
Reading: The Aviators Wife ( Yes Still Mom ha) 
Wanting: To find our new rhythm with Matts schedule. 
Looking: for my other pearl earring
Playing: Lots of cars, Horses, and Peek a Boo. 
Wasting: daylight.
Sewing: Nothing at the moment. Kinda in a creative funk. 
Wishing: For more time as family
Enjoying: Watching the kids play together. They are best buddies and worst enemies ha. 
Waiting: for bedtime 
Liking: Boden snuggles. 
Wondering: When I should start potty training Boden. 
Loving: that it is now Fall. I love the ever changing seasons we have. 
Hoping: for peace.
Marveling: at our life. We are blessed.
Needing: More time. and hands.  
Smelling: the overflowing trash we need to take out. 
Wearing: yoga pants and tshirt. 
Following: The Patriots ( or trying to Matts sake) 
Noticing: random acts of kindness
Knowing: the holidays will be hard this year. 
Thinking: Im going to go take a bubble bath
Feeling: sore ( joint pain) and like Im starting to come down with kids cold
Bookmarking: favorite blogs and websites
Opening: a new chapter 
Giggling: with my family.
Feeling: lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hello Friday.

This has been one long week. 
Between teething and being sick, no sleep for anyone, and stress from work/ life Im glad to see this week come to an end. 

Lets start again on Monday ok life? 
 Until then I will be celebrating one of my best friends getting married! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Boden 18 months...

Monday Bo had his 18 month check up.
 ( It ended up being good because Sunday he started running a 102 fever.) Last check up he got shots and hasn't forgotten. As soon as he saw our nurse ( shot administrator ) he started screaming " All done, No Doctor!"  This is good cause he's putting 2 words together - bad because he is like wrangling a bag of angry snakes while carting around a 40lb bag of potatoes ( Brooklyn). 

We managed to hear that Boden is doing great and is in the 50% for weight and 100% for height. 
( Seems he is built just like Matt.) 

Because of his stellar performance ( and being sick) he got to hold off on shots for another month. 
Bravo Boden. 

He currently loves cars, his sisters, sidewalk chalk, Star Wars, and fruit.  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Lovie Girl.

Over the weekend Boden came down with his first virus of the year. B seems next. Today after school: 
" Mama I want to snuggle with you cause you're my lovie girl." 
How could I resist? 

Sunday, September 15, 2013


2 out of every 6 weekends Matt works all weekend. 
I think because of this I appreciate weekends so much more when we can enjoy them like the rest of humanity.

This weekend we had a yard sale, cooked a big turkey dinner for neighbors and friends, and did tons of yard work. 

All very American and a great way to spend a weekend of perfect weather.  :) 

I tend to post most of my day to day pictures on Instagram so if you want to stalk us the link is:

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Bristol 4 months 

Bristol Almost 3

Bristol 2

Bristol age 2 1/2

One day...

she will say Foggy instead of Froggy when referring to the weather,
Mustard instead of Bustard,
Back Pack instead of Pack-Pack, 
Very instead of wary,
and Flu shot instead of food shot. 

When that day comes I think Ill be just a little bit sad. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Oh the things they say/ do....

Me talking to Brooklyn: " Brooklyn I bet when you get older B will share her Barbies, dolls, and Princesses with you."

Bristol: " And my undies. Ill share those too"

I guess we need to discuss personal space.

Our babysitter put B to bed then went downstairs. She heard a noise so came back up to check on the girls ... only to have B jump out and scare her wearing a clown wig (??) and fairy wings.


The kids are obsessed ( thanks to Matt) with Star Wars. The other day I walk into the playroom to see B with a blanket over her head saying to Boden  " Boden I am your Father."

Thanks Matt.

Boden spilt some milk at breakfast. I look over to see him licking it off the floor like Gage.

Note: More human playmates. At least I had just mopped.

Being a big sister it tiring...

He LOVES his cars and planes. 

Baby Sister. She loves her baths and pretty much just goes with the flow. Ok really she is just happy we remember her. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back to School

This week everything started up for us activity wise.
B started preschool and Ballet/ Tap. 
 This year Bristol really seems to love her school and was VERY excited to start dance again. 
She has the same teachers as last year so that has been great. 
With this I signed up to be a room parent at her school along with working on an advisory board committee in town to help * hopefully * improve the local public school. 
If we could improve the school it would be a lot easier than moving ha. 
We shall see.

We are looking to get Boden involved in the town play group as well as story time with one of his buddies. He misses B a lot while she is at school usually just walking around the house calling 
" Bri-tol "
He is talking so much and today he said " Dinosaur" 
I was impressed ha. 

Brooklyn is great. She is growing fast but still the peanut of the group. At her last appointment she was in the 80th percentile for weight and height. 
The other kids were always in the 100th. 
She is still a great baby and if she would just give up her Midnight feeding I'd declare her the best baby so far. :) 
Fall is coming is fast and Im torn between loving it as my favorite season and being sad Summer went by so quickly. 

Trip with Daddy and friends to local Fire Station

Matt forgot to comb Bs hair this day ( Mommy was out of town) 

B wanted to see " the Fireman's clothes" 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to Blogging... again.

Twice I have started a blog.
 Both times they went by the wayside as life got in the way. 
As I find myself torn between deleting my Facebook account and wanting to keep family and close friends updated on what we are up ( probably more correctly what the three B's are up to ).
 I decided that I should give the whole blog thing one last effort. 
So here it goes. 

A quick update to bring you up to speed. 
We have three kids. 
3 and under. 
A dog and a fish.
I stay at home and try to keep us all alive if not thriving. 
Matt just finished class for his Nuclear Reactor Operating License. 
We are super happy about this. 
Matt and I will be married 5 years in a few weeks. 
Thats crazy. 
Life in a nutshell. 

So here goes...